
Hey. I am anonymous. I write what is in my mind publicly but keep my identity quiet. I kinda do confessions with just me. I have a lot of stuff going on right now. I think I have a new crush and he knows. Here is the story. We are at school and I am with my friend. Let us call her Emma. So we were daring each other to do things and I dared her to ask out this guy. Let us call him Jake. So she says that i should do it. Emma goes up to Jake and says that I basically like him. After that Emma dares me to pretend to like him until we date. Which will never happen by the way. Maybe, maybe not. The twist is one of my close friends like him. She likes two guy anyways so what is the big deal right? Technically if we go back in time I liked him first awhile ago. Anyways, I think I might ask him out tomorrow as a joke but if he says yes I will keep it that way. We are best friends so I do not want to make it awkward. Why not though? So I think I have a new crush that I might be dating soon. I did not like him at first but how can you not. I wonder what you all think. Well, see you guys in my next confession. I will keep you guys updated on Jake.